I did record some video and took more picture, however, I forgot to charge my camera the night before and it ran out of battery before the day was half done. Way to go.

This is what I was greeted with upon coming accross the THQ booth. Warhammer 40k Dark Millenium Online. It appears to be a third person action MMO. They had a second Warhammer 40k game on display called Space Marine. Check that off my list of things to see at E3
After some poking around on the South side I made my way to the West end where I found Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I waited a good 30 minutes in line to play, not really knowing what line I was in -turns out if you beat 5 guys in a row you win a capcom shirt. I didn't win a shirt nor was it nessecary to wait 30 minutes... just around the corner they had a plethora of empty machines with MVC3 (/slaps forehead). After playing the game for a while it appears that each character has way too many hitpoints, almost every match ended in a time over or had only a few seconds left. Matches took a really really long time.
Next I stopped by the Nintendo area, where it was a 2 hour wait to play the 3DS. I passed on that and waited to the play the new Zelda title. Which was colorful and played about what you'd come to expect from a Zelda title on the Wii: waggle your wiimote to swing your sword; lift your nunchuck to raise the shield and swing both hands to do a spin attack. All the while playing, a Nintendo rep is watching over my shoulder exclaiming "Good job!" "Nice one!" and "I've never seen someone do that before!". It was rather awkward and I wasn't sure how to respond. "Thank you?" I did get a Zelda T shirt out of it!
I completely skipped over the whole Move and Kinect thing... maybe I'll get around to it, I don't know, gimmicky bullcrap doesn't appeal much to me. I was able to demo a lot of other games but these were just some of my highlights. There's still a lot more I'd like to see, but I'm already off to a good start. More free swag here I come.
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